The service is provided by Goryzonty Service Company LLC
Directional Drilling
Well drilling is nowadays a growing challenge - both from a technological standpoint and from a technical standpoint. To improve efficiency at well construction, rational use of time and finances, increase the area of hydrocarbon filtration, perform geological tasks - the world is widely used service for inclined-well drilling.
Understanding the needs of the industry for rapid, high-quality well drilling, the possibility of demolition of shrubs, savings in time and finances for the allocation and lease of land LLC Horizons Drilling Company offers quality services for the drilling of inclined-wells.
We use a state-of-the-art MWD telemetry system with hydraulic linkage, gamma-recording and real-time transmission from Canadian DrillTek and Dynomax Drilling Tools inc.
Our advantages
- Staff with experience in international companies
- Work with the customer from the design to the completion of the final well report
- Modular design of telemetry system
- Possibility of emergency removal of the telemetry system on the logging cable
- High temperature equipment - Able to use at static temperatures up to 175 o C
- Using Licensed Software with Current Updates - KELLYDOWN TM
- Mobile laboratory for maintenance of telemetry system at production facility
- Production workshop for the maintenance of screw downhole motors
- Oil-spindle screw-type downhole motors and a set of non-magnetic OBTs in standard sizes 6 ¾ "; 5" and 3 ¾ ".
- 8 ”(203 mm) open end spindle screw motors
Services provided by "Gorizonty" Service Company LLC